There is a project underway to recognize the veterans that are buried in the St. John Cemetery. The United States Flag and the flags of the branches of service in the military have already been placed. The next step is to have a brick made to honor all the veterans in the cemetery.
We have been able to identify the veterans and get their rank and branch of service along with any special medals from the military plaque that is on many of the graves. But, there are many that have served in the military that do not have these plaques. (They may be obtained FREE by bringing the discharge papers of the deceased to the Veterans Affairs Office located across from the Court House.)
If you would like to have a “brick” made in honor of your veteran in the St. John’s Cemetery at no cost to the family, please contact Mary Beth Tarver by sending a text or calling (318-332-9901) or email ([email protected]) giving the name of the veteran, their rank, and branch of service. If they served in one or more of the wars, please note which one—example: WWII, Korea, Vietnam, Gulf Wars, etc.
Plans are to have this project completed and ready for dedication by November 11, Veteran’s Day.